Quotes Meaning

"I am pro-life, I believe in exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. That’s my position, take it or leave it."

- Chris Christie

A prominent figure in American politics and a former governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie has frequently discussed his personal opinions on difficult social issues. Abortion is one such topic he has discussed, outlining his position as someone who respects life but acknowledges that there may be some situations that call for exceptions to this rule.

Think of the abortion controversy as a huge ocean with numerous currents dragging it in different directions. On one side are people who firmly believe that all life should be protected from conception onward, and on the other side are people who prioritize individual freedom over all other considerations. Chris Christie's role can be compared to that of a lifeguard stationed at the water's edge, ready to jump in when needed but also conscious that there might be occasions when going against the flow is appropriate.

According to him, life should always be safeguarded and conserved. But he admits that there are particular difficulties in cases like rape, incest, and situations where the mother's health could be in jeopardy if the pregnancy is continued. In the vast ocean of debate, these exceptions serve as islands where one may need to adopt a different approach.

Christie demonstrates that even in complex moral landscapes, there can be clarity and conviction along with understanding and flexibility by outlining his position clearly, leaving no room for compromise on the fundamental belief while also acknowledging these exceptional circumstances. Like a sailor navigating between open waters and rocky shores, his position encourages others to think about both sides of a problem without discounting one for the sake of the other.

Christie promotes discussion about how to value life while simultaneously demonstrating compassion in circumstances that necessitate drastic measures by being open and honest.
