Quotes Meaning

"I am just as ordinary as anyone else, and I also have my problems, but I also am responsible for my own health. So I’ll be on that exercise bike, I’ll be out there walking and try to improve my health and diet as much as I’m expecting of other Tasmanians."

- Lara Giddings

A well-known politician in Australia, Lara Giddings was a member of the Tasmanian Legislative Council and the Leader of the Opposition for Tasmania. In addition to her political career, she is well-known for her personal philosophy, which places a strong emphasis on personal accountability, particularly with regard to one's health.

Giddings discussed how she views herself as an average person like everyone else in one of her speeches or interviews. Even though she has her own problems and obstacles, she takes responsibility for her health because she wants others to do the same. This way of thinking conveys a larger message about taking responsibility for oneself and the value of setting an example.

Consider a communal garden in which each participant owns a plot but uses shared areas. The health and aesthetics of the entire garden may suffer if one gardener ignores their patch. In a similar vein, Giddings urges people to look after themselves since each person's actions can affect a community's overall health. She provides an example for others to follow by exercising frequently, eating a balanced diet, and upholding moral principles.

In Tasmania, where Giddings frequently discusses health initiatives and community support systems, this philosophy is especially pertinent. According to her, everyone should take care of themselves first in order to have a positive influence on those around them and help create a healthier environment.
