Successful Indian author and filmmaker Tanikella Bharani is renowned for his distinctive storytelling approach, which combines humor and regional dialects. One of his favorite pieces, which was included in a movie that represented a turning point in the industry, was mentioned by him once.
Vijayashanti, a well-known actress, played a role in this film that was different from any other she had ever played. She adopted speaking Karimnagar-slang, a dialect that is not frequently heard in popular movies but has strong cultural roots. Tanikella's appreciation of this facet of his work emphasizes how crucial it is to celebrate and preserve local languages and cultures.
Consider a garden in which each flower stands for a distinct dialect or language. While some flowers, like daisies, may symbolize regional languages spoken by fewer people but are equally beautiful and significant to their communities, others, like roses, may be more well-known. By caring for these less well-known flowers, Tanikella's art ensures that they will continue to bloom alongside the more well-known ones.
In addition to adding authenticity to his storytelling, Tanikella Bharani's use of Karimnagar slang in his movie gave local dialects a chance to be heard and valued by a wider audience. His dedication to cultural diversity and the depth it adds to artistic expression is reflected in this approach.