Renowned filmmaker Bennett Miller, whose works include "Capote" and "Foxcatcher," frequently talks about how he finds particular kinds of characters fascinating. Like a fish swimming against the current in a swift-moving river, these people end up in situations where they don't seem to belong. These characters have lofty goals and dreams that they hope will somehow close the gap between their inner selves and the outside world, despite this detachment.
Miller is intrigued by these people because he thinks they symbolize a continuous human struggle. Through their aspirations, they long to bring about change rather than just existing. One way to interpret this struggle is as a symbolic path of self-discovery and personal development. The quests of these characters frequently speak to more general themes of identity, purpose, and the difficulties in attempting to reconcile one's inner desires with the outside world.
Miller's films examine profound issues regarding personal agency in the face of social norms and expectations by concentrating on these characters. His art challenges viewers to consider their own goals and how they relate to their own environments. He emphasizes the tenacity and resolve of people who dare to dream beyond their current situation through gripping storytelling.
Bennett Miller essentially honors the spirit of defiance and optimism that defines people who, despite the odds, strive for reconciliation between their inner selves and the outside world. His method provides a distinctive perspective that helps viewers comprehend and relate to these nuanced characters more fully, leading to a greater understanding of the human condition.