The well-known South Korean actress Park Shin-hye, who has acted in both movies and television dramas, once compared her experience in the drama "Pinocchio" to beginning a new career as a news reporter. This statement demonstrates the level of immersion she experienced while playing the role of Hye-sung, a reporter and news anchor.
To play her part in "Pinocchio" convincingly in real life, Park Shin-hye had to become knowledgeable about the nuances of journalism. She devoted a significant amount of time to learning about the daily activities of a newsroom, conducting interviews, and even handling broadcast equipment. She was able to portray her character with authenticity thanks to this preparation.
Park compares it to an artist entering a painter's studio for the first time and becoming engrossed in producing works of art as though it were their life's work. During her work on "Pinocchio," Park felt that she had come naturally to the role of a news reporter, even though it was just another aspect of her acting career, much like a painter might feel that they have always been meant to paint.
This quotation also emphasizes the commitment and metamorphosis actors must undergo in order to play their roles with conviction. It illustrates how performers like Park Shin-hye devote a great deal of time and energy to their roles, going beyond simple imitation to fully inhabit and comprehend the character's occupation and mentality.