Indian filmmaker Sandeep Singh frequently uses his love of film to convey his feelings in ways that many others who have devoted their lives to the arts can relate to. Singh, who was born in 1965, has produced a number of feature films and documentaries that examine different facets of Indian society and culture.
Singh's statement expresses his personal opinion about what motivates him to make films. For him, creating movies is a labor of love, an expression of creativity, and a means of emotionally connecting with viewers; it is not just about the money or box office success. He thinks that when you put your heart into something, it goes beyond simple business dealings, particularly in the visual arts and storytelling fields.
Consider filmmaking to be like sowing seeds in a garden. Singh approaches filmmaking with the same love and care that a gardener gives to each seed in the hopes of producing lovely flowers or an abundance of greenery. Instead of selling produce at market prices, the objective is to produce something that makes people happy, makes them think, and strikes a deep chord with their hearts.
Singh's viewpoint emphasizes the inherent worth of creativity and the arts over financial gain. He is aware that while making gripping tales or documentaries can lead to commercial success, this should never take precedence over the fundamental goal of filmmaking, which is to tell stories that have an impact on people's lives and enhance culture.