This moving sentiment about drag comes from British comedian and actor Ben Hopkins, who is renowned for his sardonic humor and unvarnished observations on life. Hopkins, who struggled with his identity while growing up in a small town with strong religious beliefs, experienced overwhelming fear. Drag served as his escape route and a means of expressing aspects of himself that he would not have been able to otherwise.
Imagine living your entire life dragging a heavy stone uphill; it's draining and frequently seems unachievable. However, the weight is lifted off your shoulders when you eventually muster the courage to let go of that burden and give yourself permission to discover your true self. Drag gave Hopkins this liberation. It gave him the confidence to confront his fears and let him enter a world where he could be more than what society expected of him.
Hopkins discovered via his drag experiences that accepting various aspects of one's personality can result in self-improvement and boosted self-esteem. Through his speeches and performances, he imparts this knowledge to others, inspiring them to discover their own ways of expressing themselves and themselves.