This statement was made by well-known American professional wrestler and commentator Harley Race over the course of his multi-decade career. He was renowned for discussing sports entertainment in an open and direct manner.
Topics that many others might view as inappropriate or off-limits were frequently discussed in relation to race. His remark highlights the disparity between what one audience segment finds entertaining and what another does not. Race essentially made the point that, even though it's normal to value women in media, their presence shouldn't overshadow the main focus, which in this case is professional wrestling.
He uses the example of a chef who prepares elaborate dishes but finds it strange when guests arrive and talk primarily about the pretty flowers on the plate rather than the food. Race's statement also emphasizes how an excessive amount of attention to details can take away from enjoying the main event.
Although Race's career was centered more on his wrestling prowess than his commentary abilities, his direct comments and no-nonsense demeanor nevertheless had a significant influence. He aided supporters in realizing that, although having a variety of interests is acceptable, there should be a clear separation between what is and is not related to the sport.