Quotes Meaning

"Democracy is not something you put away for ten years, and then in the 11th year you wake up and start practicing again. We have to begin to learn to rule ourselves again."

- Chinua Achebe

In his writings and speeches, well-known Nigerian author and professor Chinua Achebe frequently stressed the value of democracy. Democratic governance, in his opinion, cannot be put on hold for a long time and then resumed as if nothing had happened.

Think of democracy like a garden. Democracy requires ongoing care and active participation from its citizens, much like a garden needs constant attention to grow healthy and flourish. Weeds will eventually overtake the garden if you don't take care of it, and you won't be able to get back to your former state of having a lush, colorful garden without a lot of work.

Achebe's profound knowledge of Nigeria's political past and the difficulties it has encountered is reflected in his outlook on democracy. He saw firsthand how democratic institutions and civic participation can be undermined during times of authoritarian rule. It gets harder and harder to restore these systems when they are compromised.

Achebe emphasizes the importance of citizens actively participating in democratic processes on a daily basis, not only during elections or times of crisis, by using this metaphorical viewpoint. If democracy is to survive in the long run, a culture of participation, accountability, and openness must be upheld.

Beyond his own nation, Achebe's observations are applicable to any society that cherishes equality, justice, and freedom. Themes of colonialism, cultural identity, and Africa's fight for independence are frequently covered in his works. As a writer, he aimed to dispel misconceptions about Africa's role in world politics while simultaneously bridging cultural divides with Western readers.

To sum up, Chinua Achebe's democratic teachings emphasize the value of persistent work and attention to detail. Maintaining democratic institutions and ideals requires constant participation from all societal members, much like caring for a garden requires daily attention.
