The well-known British author and actress Carrie Hope Fletcher frequently offers her thoughts on the distinct viewpoints of children. She draws attention to the fact that children and adults have different perspectives on reality in one of her observations.
According to Fletcher, children have no trouble suspending their disbelief when it comes to fantastical ideas or stories, whereas adults often struggle with this. No matter how unrealistic or fantastical an idea may seem to adults, their minds are open to any magical concept. This openness is a normal aspect of childhood, when creativity and imagination are paramount.
Consider a child's mind as a vast garden with colorful flowers and an abundance of greenery. The limits of their own imagination, not laws or reason, define the boundaries in this garden. However, for adults, this garden starts to be enclosed by walls of reason and skepticism. Although these walls are useful for negotiating the challenges of adulthood, they also impede the flow of imaginative ideas that children readily accept.
According to Fletcher, as children get older, their minds become less rigid and less bound by the expectations and realities placed on them. Their passion for fairy tales, superhero adventures, or any story that defies logic but embodies the essence of imagination demonstrates their capacity to accept fantastical concepts without question.
Through her art, Fletcher inspires adults to value this special quality of childhood and, when feasible, to foster it. She says that by doing this, we might be able to rediscover our own sense of wonder and creativity, which are qualities that are frequently lost as we get older and value pragmatism over creativity.