Renowned British actor Ben Kingsley, who has starred in a wide range of stage and movie productions, frequently offers advice on acting and the art of filmmaking. One of his well-known quotations highlights the discipline needed on movie sets.
Actors are expected to deliver their lines accurately and keep their characters consistent throughout each take while filming. This implies that the crew must maintain composure and professionalism even if there is a humorous incident on set or a joke is told in between takes. As everyone aims for role perfection, the atmosphere can be tense but focused.
Kingsley's counsel emphasizes how crucial it is to avoid the temptation to rely too much on the laughter or instant audience responses as confirmation when performing. To put it another way, it's important to avoid becoming fixated on the accidental laughter or applause that may arise during live performances or improv sessions, as these outside influences can be distracting and possibly compromise an actor's ability to remain loyal to their role.
Consider this metaphorically as an athlete training alone before a competition in front of a crowd. Actors must remain committed to their craft during filming by avoiding being distracted by laughter or instant reactions that might occur outside of their performance, just as athletes must focus during practice without the distraction of fan cheers.
This quotation demonstrates Kingsley's insight into the value of professional discipline in the entertainment sector as well as his understanding of the distinction between an actor's performance and the reaction of the audience.