Popular British comedian and actor Bill Bailey frequently discusses his passion for the long-running science fiction program, which many fans just call "the show." He talked about how much it meant to him to be a part of this series in an interview. Being chosen for the show felt to Bailey like entering a fantastical realm where fantasies come true.
Consider a person who has always appreciated magicians and who is unexpectedly asked to perform on the world's largest magic stage. Bill Bailey experienced that when he joined "Doctor Who." Being a part of the series, which he had grown up watching, was more than just a job opportunity; it was a lifelong dream come true.
Since his birth in London in 1967, Bill Bailey has delighted audiences with his distinct fusion of musical and comedic performances. His love of "Doctor Who" began when he was a young boy and used to watch the adventures of the previous Doctors on the BBC. Since its 1963 premiere, the program has enthralled audiences for generations, earning it a unique place in British popular culture.
Bailey compares being a part of such a legendary series to discovering that one's favorite children's book has suddenly opened up to allow one to enter. It's a moment of wonder and delight, a reminder that, if we continue to believe in the magic all around us, sometimes our wildest dreams can come true.