Quotes Meaning

" Yuna " 下共有 2 篇文章

"Feminism is universal. You can’t just fight for one type of freedom or one type of female power. You know what? Muslim women want to cover up, and we have to fight for our right to do that, too."

- Yuna
As a well-known K-pop artist and supporter of feminist principles, Yuna highlights the value of inclusivity in feminism. Her remarks emphasize how important it is that the movement include all women, irrespective of their religious or cultural heritage. According to Yuna, feminism is about realizing…

"People pay attention to artists and celebrities, so they have the opportunity to do something great with this limelight. I, for one, have no problem with Kanye running for president, because if it’s something that he truly believes in and it can lead to greater good, why not? I’m all for that."

- Yuna
The well-known South Korean singer Yuna frequently discusses the value of celebrity and how it can be leveraged for good. She considers the impact that famous people like Kanye West have when they get involved in politics in her statement. Think of celebrity as a spotlight in a pitch-black room. Whe…