Quotes Meaning

" James Ransone " 下共有 2 篇文章

"Anyone who lives like a modern aristocracy, the last thing they exhibit is a sense of gratitude. Me, I’m very fortunate."

- James Ransone
American actor James Ransone, who is well-known for his roles in movies and television series, once had a deep opinion about social attitudes and human nature. He noted that those who lead lives that suggest they belong to a privileged elite frequently don't demonstrate a sincere gratitude for the e…

"I just auditioned for ‘The Wire’ like I just auditioned for any other job."

- James Ransone
American actor James Ransone, who has starred in a number of movies and TV shows, including the highly regarded drama "The Wire," once expressed an opinion that many entertainment industry professionals find relatable. Regarding his experience trying out for "The Wire," he said it was like trying ou…