Quotes Meaning

" Hillary Clinton " 下共有 3 篇文章

"There are rich people everywhere, and yet they don’t contribute to the growth of their countries."

- Hillary Clinton
In her speeches, well-known American politician Hillary Clinton frequently addresses economic inequality. She draws attention to the unequal distribution of wealth and poses concerns about its effects on society. In one instance, she noted that although a large number of people have significant fina…

"I’ve never understood the division between so-called realists and so-called idealists."

- Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton, a well-known American politician who has served in a number of high-profile capacities, such as senator and secretary of state, frequently discusses the value of fusing pragmatic methods with creative ideas. According to her, there is no real difference between people who strive for…

"China is starting an English-speaking television network around the world, Russia is, Al Jazeera. And the BBC is cutting back on its many language services around the world."

- Hillary Clinton
Former Secretary of State and well-known American politician Hillary Clinton frequently employs vivid descriptions to explain intricate geopolitical dynamics. During one of these speeches, she emphasized how the global media landscape is evolving. By establishing an English-language television netwo…