Quotes Meaning

" Elliott Carter " 下共有 2 篇文章

"I mean the public likes it more in Europe than they do here because the state supported organizations have felt that playing contemporary music was part of the education of the public."

- Elliott Carter
This observation regarding the reception of modern classical music was made by the well-known American composer and music theorist Elliott Carter. Carter, who was born in 1908 and died in 2012, had a remarkable career that lasted more than 80 years and produced over 100 pieces in a variety of genres…

"Right at the end of the war I wrote a piano sonata, which was written at a time when Sam Barber used to come down here and we used to have lunch together in a very nice old hotel that’s now not there."

- Elliott Carter
American composer Elliott Carter is renowned for his avant-garde musical style. He related a story about writing a piano sonata close to the end of World War II in one of his interviews. Carter interacted with other well-known composers like Samuel Barber during this time, which made it a particular…