Quotes Meaning

" Donna Lynne Champlin " 下共有 2 篇文章

"Acting I never worried about, but it’s so strange that on-camera work is so much more technical than theatre work, which I would have never thought in a million years."

- Donna Lynne Champlin
The successful singer and actress Donna Lynne Champlin, who is renowned for her adaptable performances in a variety of media, frequently discusses the distinctions between performing in front of the camera and on stage. She said in one interview that it was unexpected to learn that acting in movies …

"It’s very rare for me to come across a script for NYMF that is truly its own animal. That’s really what appealed to me about ‘Valueville.’ I still have my notes from when I first read it."

- Donna Lynne Champlin
The successful Broadway actress and singer Donna Lynne Champlin talks about her experiences reading scripts for the New York Musical Festival (NYMF). The NYMF is a venue for new musicals by up-and-coming performers. Champlin frequently chooses and performs new pieces as part of this occasion. Chamli…