Quotes Meaning

" Derek Walcott " 下共有 3 篇文章

"I grew up in a place in which, if you learned poetry, you shouted it out. Boys would scream it out and perform it and do it and flourish it."

- Derek Walcott
Renowned poet Derek Walcott, who was born on the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia, frequently spoke nostalgically and with affection about his childhood. He was born in 1930 and grew up in a culture that openly celebrated and lived poetry. The vibrant atmosphere created by the island's rich culture a…

"Look at Allen Ginsberg. In poems like ‘Kaddish’ and ‘Howl,’ you can hear a cantor between the lines. It’s fully alive, and I think that’s what’s missing in modern poetry. It’s too dry and cerebral."

- Derek Walcott
Renowned Saint Lucian playwright and poet Derek Walcott was awarded the 1992 Nobel Prize in Literature. He frequently discussed the vitality he perceived in Allen Ginsberg's writing, particularly in poems such as "Kaddish" and "Howl." Walcott claims that these poems have a profoundly resonant spirit…

"There’s always a need at a critical time for poetry."

- Derek Walcott
Derek Walcott, a well-known playwright and poet from St. Lucia, frequently highlighted the importance of poetry during difficult or significant times. Walcott was born on the island of Saint Lucia in 1930, and the stunning Caribbean surroundings he experienced as a child had a profound impact on his…