Quotes Meaning

" David Cage " 下共有 2 篇文章

"Our goal is to develop our studio as a global, multifranchise company while remaining an independent studio."

- David Cage
Quantic Dream's founder, David Cage, has frequently discussed his goals for the business in interviews and speeches. He sees Quantic Dream growing into a well-known company with a wide range of products while maintaining its distinct identity as an independent studio. Like a sapling in a huge forest…

"Cinema became what it is today when technology allowed movie directors and actors to develop emotion. You can see into the eyes of the actors and know when they are going to cry."

- David Cage
David Cage, a well-known personality in the video game industry who worked at Quantic Dream, made a perceptive observation regarding the development of film. He pointed out that as technology developed over time, filmmakers had more resources at their disposal to arouse viewers' true feelings. This …