Quotes Meaning

" Arn Anderson " 下共有 2 篇文章

"Rey never ran over anybody. Rey chopped everybody down a piece at a time and at the end of the night, you bought it because of the way he did it. I think Rey set the standard and opened the door for smaller guys to have a very prominent place in the industry and be incredible in everything they do, and it wasn’t about size, it was about quality."

- Arn Anderson
Renowned professional wrestler Arn Anderson offers a perceptive observation regarding Rey Mysterio. He explains how, in spite of his diminutive size, Mysterio was able to control fights by gradually wearing down opponents via skill and willpower rather than by outclassing or overwhelming them. Consi…

"I’m certainly not the guy who can say ‘This guy doesn’t belong in the business.’ Unless you really went out of bounds or something, nobody died and left me God and made me make those decisions."

- Arn Anderson
A well-known professional wrestler with a multi-decade career is Arn Anderson. In addition to his prowess in wrestling, he has had a significant impact on the industry with his wise words. One such tip he frequently offers is to be encouraging and inclusive of colleagues. Anderson advises other wres…