Quotes Meaning

" Anne-Marie Duff " 下共有 2 篇文章

"I’m not a great beauty. That’s not me."

- Anne-Marie Duff
The successful British actress Anne-Marie Duff, who is renowned for her stirring roles in theater and television, once said something about beauty standards and self-perception that struck a chord with a lot of people. She has acted in many high-profile productions, such as well-reviewed plays and h…

"Never trust a man who doesn’t like Elvis."

- Anne-Marie Duff
Renowned British actress Anne-Marie Duff, who has played a variety of roles in movies and television shows, once made a perceptive observation about people's personalities. She may not have meant this to be a rigid rule, but it has since become a well-known quote ascribed to her. According to Duff, …