Quotes Meaning

" Adrienne C. Moore " 下共有 2 篇文章

"I didn’t lose weight for my career or a relationship – I did it to be happy and, as Oprah says, to live my best life."

- Adrienne C. Moore
Adrienne C. Moore is well-known in the wellness community for her frank counsel on loving oneself and accepting one's body. Her remarks regarding weight loss stem from a place of empowerment and personal change. Moore's quest for improved health was not influenced by outside forces such as the need …

"I used to get these as a kid all the time – Doritos, Cheetos, Funions… and Andy Capp’s Hot Fries. I have a crunch fetish."

- Adrienne C. Moore
American voice actress Adrienne C. Moore is well-known for her roles in video games and animated series. She related a story about how she loved crunchy snacks as a kid in one of her interviews. She would frequently treat herself to Doritos, Cheetos, Funions, and Andy Capp's Hot Fries as a child, al…