American actor Manny Jacinto, who starred in the hit television show "The Good Place," frequently discusses the gap between parents' expectations and their knowledge of the entertainment business. He was raised with a distinct viewpoint on success and family expectations because he was born to Filipino immigrants.
The father of Jacinto was born in the Philippines and immigrated to the United States as an adult. Success in his native country is frequently based on relationships rather than just ability. Jacinto's parents' view of their son's potential for success in the US was shaped by this cultural background.
Jacinto's experience trying to explain his career path to his parents is reflected in the quote. It is difficult for them to understand the realities of breaking into an industry like entertainment because they come from a place where family and networking are important for advancing one's career. Success in the entertainment industry is largely determined by skill, perseverance, and occasionally good fortune rather than personal connections.
Jacinto employs a straightforward but powerful analogy: picture attempting to find your way through a thick forest using just a map designed for a city grid. His parents find it hard to comprehend the subtleties of becoming an actor or working in television, much like a city dweller would find it hard to navigate a strange woodland setting.
Manny Jacinto emphasizes the generational divide between immigrant parents and their children growing up in America with this and similar quotes. He demonstrates how cultural differences can occasionally lead to misconceptions and mistrust regarding career choices that may appear unusual from an outsider's point of view.