Quotes Meaning

"As you know, it’s so important that we always embrace the sanctity of life. One way to do that is to vote pro-life in every election."

- Alveda King

Following in her uncle Martin Luther King Jr.'s footsteps, Alveda King is a well-known American civil rights activist and leader. She has devoted a significant portion of her life to promoting what she considers to be core principles, such as the significance of honoring human life from conception to death.

King frequently discusses the sanctity of life as a major theme in her writing. According to her, this idea goes beyond merely biological existence and includes the notion that each person's life has intrinsic value and dignity. She urges people to actively defend these principles, and one way to do so is to back laws that reflect what she refers to as a "pro-life" position.

Consider each human life as a delicate flower in a large garden as an analogy. Every flower is different, lovely, and vulnerable. King's message can be interpreted as an exhortation to take good care of these flowers, making sure they have all they require to develop and flourish from the time they open until their petals eventually fall off.

According to her, voting "pro-life" entails endorsing laws that seek to safeguard all phases of life, including the early ones that are frequently disregarded or underappreciated. This strategy demonstrates a larger dedication to protecting human rights and dignity in all spheres of society.

King hopes that her activism will encourage others to reflect on their own values and how they can be applied to take actions that benefit the entire community.
