This statement was made by renowned Indian actor and filmmaker Satish Kaushik in reference to government funding for filmmaking in New Delhi, the country's busy capital. His remarks demonstrate his gratitude for the tourism department's efforts to support filmmaking by contacting regional organizations.
When Kaushik sees rain after weeks of drought, his feelings are similar to those of a gardener. Similar to how water nourishes plants and revitalizes dry soil, government assistance can be a lifeline for filmmakers trying to portray New Delhi's spirit on screen. Without having to overcome administrative obstacles, this type of support enables artists to more easily realize their artistic visions.
In addition to his work as an actor, Satish Kaushik is known for directing a number of popular Bollywood movies that humorously yet perceptively examine daily life and its difficulties. His viewpoint on government assistance is important because, particularly in large cities where space and logistics can be limited, filmmakers frequently encounter difficulties obtaining permits or locating appropriate locations.
Kaushik's statement essentially emphasizes the benefits of cooperation between local government and the creative industries, creating an atmosphere that promotes cultural representation and artistic expression. It's a modest but significant step in making sure that filmmakers have the tools necessary to create gripping tales about India's diverse range of locations and experiences.