Quotes Meaning

"As a kid, I was going to be a marine biologist or an actor. When I became successful as an actor, I said, ‘Well, maybe I can lend a voice to this with an equal passion.’ You realize how lucky we are and how destructive we’ve been and what little regard we have for the natural world."

- Leonardo DiCaprio

Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio frequently talks about how he went from wanting to be a marine biologist to becoming one of the most successful actors in show business. His dreams as a child were centered on appreciating and preserving nature. But after becoming a successful actor, he found another way to support environmental causes.

DiCaprio compares his change of career to that of a sailor who was originally going to explore far-off islands but ended up navigating through urban streets. His journey initially took him away from the ocean, but it didn't lessen his enthusiasm for conservation and marine life. After making a name for himself in Hollywood, DiCaprio saw a chance to use his position to advocate for environmental causes.

As he considers this journey, DiCaprio acknowledges the influence of humans on nature while simultaneously expressing gratitude for his success. According to him, people frequently undervalue the significance of protecting ecological balance and natural resources. His transition from acting to vocally supporting environmental causes serves as an example of how one's hobbies can develop into important contributions to global issues.

DiCaprio wants to encourage people to take action in their own ways by sharing his story and experiences, whether that be through activism, teaching, or hands-on participation in conservation initiatives. DiCaprio urges everyone to discover their own special way of raising their voice in support of the cause that once inspired them, just as he did.
