A well-known American cartoonist and humorist from the early 20th century, James Thurber frequently used his wit to make observations about human nature and daily life. One of his observations is that for wisdom or counsel to be truly helpful, it must be pertinent and unambiguous.
Imagine that you have never planted a garden before. When a friend says something like, "Plants need water," which is true, it doesn't really help with the actual gardening process if you already knew that. Thurber makes a similar point: advice must be clear and provide information that can be put to use.
According to Thurber, giving someone unclear or unnecessary advice defeats the purpose of enlightenment. You can't figure out how to navigate with just any map, so it might as well be useless. It's like giving someone a map in a strange city without letting them know where you are right now.
Thurber essentially promotes practical wisdom and clear communication. He was well-liked by people who value witty observations about society and dry humor because his work frequently emphasized the absurdities and peculiarities of life.