Quotes Meaning

"I’ve got an extreme bias toward governors… they know what it’s like to make hard decisions. They know what it’s like to actually balance a budget – have a budget, first of all, and have a balanced budget."

- Matt Mead

Prior to being elected governor of Wyoming in 2013, well-known American politician Matt Mead was the state's lieutenant governor. He has made no secret of his admiration for state governors and their special duties throughout his career.

Mead's admiration for the difficulties of being a state governor is evident in his statement. He contends that, in contrast to many other political figures who might not have to deal with such practical issues as frequently or intensely, these leaders must make difficult decisions on a daily basis. A governor is responsible for managing crises, supervising numerous departments and agencies, and putting policies into action that have the potential to impact the lives of millions of people.

Mead also emphasizes the importance of budget balance. Governors are in charge of making and following financial plans, which frequently require them to make tough decisions about which funding priorities to prioritize, such as public safety, infrastructure, healthcare, and education. Governors have to face the harsh reality of scarce resources, in contrast to some politicians who might only make general proposals or distribute money in accordance with ephemeral political objectives.

Consider the role of a governor as being similar to navigating a big ship through rough seas to demonstrate this point. The storms stand for natural disasters, economic downturns, and other emergencies that require quick attention, while the ship represents the state's budget and policies. In addition to overcoming these obstacles, a successful captain (governor) must make sure the ship maintains its financial stability through prudent resource management.

Mead's viewpoint emphasizes the resiliency and real-world experience needed to be a state governor. He respects governors for their active participation in daily governance, their ability to make difficult decisions under duress, and their commitment to fiscal responsibility.
