Quotes Meaning

"It’s nice because working in England I’m know for working in television and theater when you get a chance to come out, it is quite fun to be out from behind the mask. You need to let people know who you are."

- Jeremy Bulloch

English actor Jeremy Bulloch is most recognized for his roles in theater and television. In "Star Wars," he portrayed Wedge Antilles, a character that won over many fans. He frequently discussed emerging from behind his well-known mask in interviews, which refers to being acknowledged as more than just the character he played.

Bulloch's statement highlights how actors may feel like they are buried beneath their parts, resembling shadows of themselves in the eyes of the public. It becomes exciting and refreshing when someone is given the chance to come forward and be recognized for who they really are. Stepping out from behind the mask enables actors to enjoy their own light, much like a garden plant might after being kept in a dark corner stretch its leaves toward the sun.

This quotation emphasizes the value of individuality and self-expression, particularly for people whose jobs require them to assume various roles over the course of their lives. By exposing one's actual self, it promotes deeper connections with others by encouraging people to share more about themselves than what is shown on stage or screen.
