Renowned Canadian author and professional wrestler Bret Hart frequently uses his experiences in sports entertainment to offer life lessons. He mentions birthdays and treats in one of his famous quotations. He thinks that since people have completed another full orbit around the sun, they should be given something special each year.
Hart suggests that we reward ourselves for surviving another year, much like gardeners give a plant extra care and attention in the spring to celebrate its survival of the winter. This is more about celebrating personal development and recognizing our resiliency than it is about overindulging in sweets or expensive presents. Every year, we encounter difficulties that put us to the test, but overcoming them makes us feel accomplished.
Hart reminds us to take a moment to celebrate ourselves by using the idea of cake as a symbol for something delightful and unique. It's more important to acknowledge little successes and gradual advancements than it is to be ostentatious or wasteful. This small gesture of self-celebration can raise spirits and promote ongoing growth.
Hart promotes a positive view of aging and time passing by presenting birthdays in this way. Another year is viewed as a chance for introspection, thankfulness, and rejuvenation rather than as just another day older. We can use every birthday as a benchmark to evaluate our objectives and aspirations, much like athletes train through challenging seasons to perform better during competitions.
Hart's quote essentially discusses the value of taking a moment out of the hectic pace of life to recognize one's own accomplishments and show kindness and respect to oneself. It serves as a reminder that each year matters and that commemorating them improves our quality of life.