Quotes Meaning

"I suppose I just had this Christian idea about how I ought to go about my life. I thought, ‘If I work really hard and have a bit of success, the problems I’d had all my life would leave me.’ But, of course, not a bit of it left me because Asperger’s is not something you just get over or grow out of."

- Paddy Considine

In an interview, English actor and filmmaker Paddy Considine used this quote to discuss his own journey. He has talked candidly about the challenges he encountered as a child because he was born with Asperger syndrome, a type of autism marked by difficulties interacting with others and repetitive behaviors.

Considine's words reveal his early conviction that working hard and succeeding would somehow lessen the difficulties brought on by his illness. He imagined that his lifelong struggles would lessen or end if he could achieve a certain degree of success in his career. This concept was based on a hopeful but misplaced belief that many people with ongoing difficulties hold.

But Considine learned a valuable lesson from his experience: disorders such as Asperger syndrome are not issues that can be resolved by external achievement or easily outgrown. He gained a more realistic understanding of what he could reasonably expect from himself and life in general because his condition remained constant despite his efforts and accomplishments.

Using the analogy of attempting to dry off with a damp towel, Considine's viewpoint implies that although one may believe that reaching objectives will resolve every problem, doing so is like wiping away moisture with an already wet towel. The fundamental problem won't change no matter how hard you try or how much you succeed until it is addressed openly and honestly.

Many people who deal with comparable difficulties in their lives have found resonance in Paddy Considine's candor about his experiences. His story serves as an example of how, although aiming for achievement is vital and can lead to happiness and personal fulfillment, it's also critical to recognize and handle one's particular set of circumstances in a realistic and caring manner.
