Quotes Meaning

"A relationship is like another job, you know, you have to work at it all the time."

- Candice Swanepoel

The well-known South African supermodel and businesswoman Candice Swanepoel frequently offers relationship advice that many people can relate to. One of her famous quotations discusses the work necessary to keep a relationship strong.

According to Swanepoel, being in a relationship is like having a second job. Maintaining a relationship requires the same amount of time, effort, and dedication as you would put into your career. Relationships require active participation, communication, and understanding from both partners in order to succeed.

Consider a garden where plants require consistent attention in order to thrive. The garden would quickly become overrun with weeds and lose its beauty if it wasn't watered, weeded, and pruned. Similar to this, relationships require ongoing care and nurturing in order to develop into something lovely and long-lasting.

It's simple for people to become engrossed in their daily activities and forget how important it is to keep solid relationships with others in the fast-paced world of today. According to Candice Swanepoel's viewpoint, developing relationships is a constant process that calls for patience and work, just like pursuing any important objective or dream.

She emphasizes the importance of proactive engagement and consideration in interpersonal interactions by drawing this comparison between relationships and the workplace. Maintaining a meaningful relationship requires constant effort from both parties, just as one wouldn't expect success at work without working hard. This realization serves as a reminder that although love is innate, it needs to be actively maintained.
