The successful actress Anna Kendrick, who has starred in several successful films, frequently thinks back on her experiences working in the motion picture business. She said in one interview that when confronted with the technical limitations of filmmaking, novice filmmakers can approach their work with frustration.
The basis for Kendrick's viewpoint is her observation that many aspiring directors and producers see the constraints they face as challenges rather than teaching moments. These constraints may range from financial constraints to the difficulties of managing sizable teams. Some up-and-coming filmmakers are resentful of these limitations rather than viewing them as an opportunity to develop and experiment.
According to Kendrick, it's better for artists to fully embrace the process and see every obstacle as a chance to grow as a person. Regardless of the number of films she has produced or worked on, she herself still views every project as an educational opportunity. She maintains her curiosity and open-mindedness about the craft because of this mindset.
Filmmaking can be compared to building a ship at sea. It's difficult to build something so big with so few resources, but every plank you add teaches you more about what you'll need for your next journey. Technical constraints are not barriers; rather, they are avenues for new research and improved craftsmanship.
Anna Kendrick's support of filmmakers is consistent with her own belief in lifelong learning and adaptability to obstacles. Her guidance is applicable to anyone encountering obstacles in their artistic endeavors, not just those just beginning their filmmaking careers. Any limitation can be used to one's advantage on the path to mastery if one keeps an attitude of curiosity.