Renowned theater director Michael Arden is renowned for his inventive and poignant productions. He frequently discusses the relationship between acting and directing, highlighting how knowing both aspects of the creative process enhances one's storytelling technique.
According to Arden, directors with acting backgrounds have a special understanding of how actors feel and think on stage. Arden contends that directors with experience in acting are better suited to mentor actors in their roles, much like a chef who has worked in every kitchen station can produce more complex dishes. As a result of their improved communication skills, actors are able to connect emotionally with their characters on a deeper level.
Using this common understanding of the inner workings of the theater, Arden has directed many critically acclaimed productions throughout his career, demonstrating his ability to elicit strong performances from actors. His viewpoint emphasizes the value of empathy and teamwork in the creative arts, implying that a director who has experienced what an actor goes through can lead more effectively and sensitively.
Arden encourages directors to expand their perspectives and recognize the complexity of storytelling by recognizing the importance of varied experiences within the artistic community. In addition to having acted before directing, he believes in keeping an attitude that appreciates each step of the theatrical process.