Indian actor Jitendra Kumar, who is well-known for his parts in television dramas and Bollywood, frequently discusses the significant influence that storytelling has on people's lives. His remarks reveal a profound understanding of the ability of cinema as a medium to engage viewers and tell compelling stories.
Kumar's assertion demonstrates his faith in the transformational power of film. He views movies as more than just forms of amusement; they are also tools for conveying significant ideas, stirring strong feelings, and starting discussions that have the power to alter people's opinions. Filmmakers use their craft to create stories that speak to audiences on a variety of levels, much like a talented painter uses a canvas to portray scenes of beauty or sorrow.
This viewpoint emphasizes how crucial it is to work on projects that have significance beyond mere financial gain. It's about addressing problems and promoting understanding in order to contribute to works that have an impact on society. For Kumar, taking part in these kinds of movies is a means to express one's creativity and use art to change the world.
His words are essentially a reminder to artists and filmmakers to look for stories that can either inspire change or just make people happy and comfortable. Creators can nurture stories that blossom into something lovely, benefiting both themselves and their audience, much like gardeners tend to rare flowers.