Quotes Meaning

"The most important basis of any novel is wanting to be someone else, and this means creating a character."

- Antonio Tabucchi

Italian author Antonio Tabucchi was well-known for his perceptive opinions on literature and writing. He wrote a great deal about the inspirations and methods used by writers. He asserts that the desire to examine a different viewpoint—basically, to put oneself in another person's shoes—is one of the essential components of writing a novel.

Putting on a new outfit before attempting to adopt a new role or persona is analogous to this idea. In the same way that you might try on different clothes to see which one best suits your personality, an author will try on different characters to see which one best suits the needs of their story.

According to Tabucchi, this process involves both empathy and imagination. Authors can explore the human condition more deeply and give their stories more authenticity by aspiring to be someone else through their writing. According to this theory, great literature frequently results from an author's readiness to put themselves in another person's shoes and see the world from a different perspective.

Through his writings and lectures, Tabucchi highlighted how crucial this act of transformation is to telling gripping stories. In order to improve their storytelling abilities and give readers new insights into the intricacies of life, he urged authors to examine a variety of characters and circumstances.
