Famous British singer Vera Lynn, who made significant contributions during World War II, frequently discussed the difficulties people encounter when they are separated from their homes. She made some wise observations, one of which was that it can be challenging to deal with small annoyances in strange places.
Imagine suddenly feeling ill after eating or drinking something during a lengthy trip. Stomachaches are uncomfortable enough, but they become much more so when they occur in an unfamiliar setting where everything seems strange and out of reach. Similar to how a fish finds it more difficult to survive in unfamiliar waters, people suffer more when they run into minor issues far from where they are accustomed.
Vera Lynn's remarks serve as a reminder that, although seemingly trivial problems may seem unimportant at home, they can cause significant amounts of annoyance and anxiety when we're in unfamiliar situations. The universal experience of feeling uncomfortable and having trouble with basic tasks or health problems when separated from familiar environments and support networks is reflected in this quote.
Vera Lynn encouraged people to be more patient and understanding when encountering unforeseen challenges in foreign countries by highlighting both the pleasure and difficulties of travel through her music and personal reflections.