Quotes Meaning

"Rey never ran over anybody. Rey chopped everybody down a piece at a time and at the end of the night, you bought it because of the way he did it. I think Rey set the standard and opened the door for smaller guys to have a very prominent place in the industry and be incredible in everything they do, and it wasn’t about size, it was about quality."

- Arn Anderson

Renowned professional wrestler Arn Anderson offers a perceptive observation regarding Rey Mysterio. He explains how, in spite of his diminutive size, Mysterio was able to control fights by gradually wearing down opponents via skill and willpower rather than by outclassing or overwhelming them.

Consider a chess game in which the pieces vary in size; at first glance, the larger pieces may appear more formidable. Nevertheless, the smaller piece can still prevail by employing calculated maneuvers that gradually erode its opponent's defenses until they finally collapse, much like Rey Mysterio in professional wrestling. This is what Anderson means when he claims that Mysterio "chopped them down a piece at a time" rather than "running over" his opponents.

Anderson emphasizes how Rey established a significant standard for other wrestlers, demonstrating that success and excellence are not determined by physical size. Rather, it's about how well you perform and how you handle difficulties. Rey Mysterio made it possible for numerous smaller wrestlers to obtain respect and recognition in the industry by displaying extraordinary skill and unwavering dedication.

This quote also serves as a reminder that there is always room for people who can outmaneuver or outperform through intelligence, strategy, and perseverance, even in fields where physical strength may seem essential. Anderson is essentially lauding Rey Mysterio for encouraging others to believe in their own potential despite their size or early limitations, in addition to his wrestling career.
