Known for his practical approach to city governance, Richard J. Daley was the mayor of Chicago for more than 20 years in the middle of the 20th century. One of his well-known quotes expresses a pessimistic outlook on the function of law enforcement in society. This quotation implies that police officers may occasionally behave more like defenders of the social unrest or inequality that already exists than as upholders of law and order.
Daley was not afraid to use the police department's authority to keep Chicago under control during tumultuous times, especially during labor strikes and civil rights demonstrations. His approach to policing is comparable to that of a janitor who, instead of genuinely addressing the root causes of messes, keeps the floor looking clean by sweeping dirt into corners.
Daley's statement sums up a larger critique of structural injustice and the ways that organizations intended to uphold the rule of law may instead do the opposite, allowing injustice or chaos. It draws attention to the conflict between law enforcement's ideal role as defenders of justice and order and their actual behavior, which may be a reflection of more serious social issues.
This viewpoint challenges us to think critically about the efficacy of policies meant to uphold public order and whether they actually benefit all members of society equally.