The French actress and filmmaker Maiwenn once talked about her upbringing in an interview. She came from modest beginnings and emphasized that the streets where she played as a child, the television programs she watched at home, and the school setting where she learned and interacted with others were the most significant aspects of her early life.
Maiwenn's comment sheds light on the various factors that influenced her experiences and worldview. Due to her lack of access to affluence or high society during her early years, she received her education from commonplace sources and locations rather than from prestigious universities or private tutors.
This statement is similar to saying that a person's soul is shaped by their everyday interactions and surroundings, much like clay is shaped by an artist's hands. TV shows expanded Maiwenn's horizons and exposed her to diverse narratives, school offered structured learning and intellectual development, and the streets taught her about community and survival.
In contrast to formal or elite traditions, a person's cultural understanding and identity are firmly anchored in their everyday experiences, as this quote illustrates. It emphasizes the notion that each person's path is distinct and influenced by their particular environment and situation.