French-Argentinean filmmaker Gaspar Noé is renowned for his thought-provoking and frequently contentious films that push the limits of what viewers are prepared to see. Dark themes like violence, sexuality, and mental distress are explored in his films, like "Irreversible" and "Enter the Void," in an unvarnished and uncompromising way.
Noé's method of filmmaking stems from his conviction that movies can be a mirror reflecting our innermost desires and anxieties as well as a means of escape from the real world. He sees movies as a place where people can face challenging topics without having to deal with the immediate fallout of real-life action. This viewpoint is based on his artistic philosophy and personal experiences, which emphasize challenging viewers' comfort levels in order to elicit emotional and intellectual reactions.
The metaphor of a stormy sea can be used to consider Noé's point of view. Noé thinks that when people are exposed to powerful stories on screen, they can find safety within the confines of a movie theater, much like sailors seek cover during a storm to keep themselves safe. By doing this, audiences are able to reflect and gain new perspectives without having to confront the dangers of these themes outside of the theater.
In addition to shocking viewers, Noé hopes that her films will provoke thought-provoking discussions about human nature, social conventions, and art in general. He wants to establish a safe environment for discussing challenging subjects in order to promote a better comprehension of our individual and collective psyches.