Renowned Bosnian filmmaker Jasmila Zbanic is well-known throughout the world for her potent and provocative works. Her writing frequently explores the intricacies of social issues and human emotions, especially those pertaining to war and its aftermath. Her frequent advice to aspiring filmmakers centers on the value of commitment and tenacity in pursuing one's creative vision.
Zbanic compares the process of filmmaking to tending a garden. A filmmaker needs to be just as focused and committed to their work as a gardener is to their plants, taking care of every detail such as watering them frequently, keeping pests away, and caring for them throughout the seasons. This indicates that bringing an idea to life involves a lot more than just the initial spark; it takes constant work.
Filmmakers are urged by Zbanic to not only value their ideas but also to stand up for them in the face of adversity. She believes in the strength of perseverance and that one must remain dedicated to fostering their creative vision until it develops into a complete work of art, regardless of how difficult the path may be. Her personal experiences navigating the frequently turbulent world of filmmaking serve as the foundation for this philosophy.
Her message is very clear: you must be prepared to work hard and overcome any challenges that arise if you truly care about your film and think it has the potential to have an impact. Your passion for what you're doing should motivate you to persevere through any obstacles, whether they be financial limitations, creative disagreements, or personal uncertainties.
Zbanic's counsel is essentially a rallying cry for anyone who aspires to be a filmmaker. It acts as a reminder that even though the path may be lengthy and full of obstacles, genuinely amazing accomplishments can result from the zeal and tenacity required to defend one's creative vision.