The well-known romance novelist Teresa Medeiros frequently shares details about her personal life that highlight her interests and passions. She accomplishes this in a number of memorable ways, one of which is her love of everything "Star Trek." She has expressed her admiration for the renowned science fiction series without specifically quoting it.
Medeiros grew up watching reruns of "Star Trek" and has always been fond of the show's hopeful outlook on the future. Being a Trekkie—someone who has a strong passion for "Star Trek"—is more than just a pastime for her; it's a means of interacting with people who share her interests globally.
To better understand this enthusiasm, think of being a Trekkie as being similar to being a committed member of a covert organization. Similar to how a country may have flags and anthems, the club has its own language, customs, and symbols. Trekkies wear pins, T-shirts, or even paint Klingon insignias on their cars, much like someone proudly waves their nation's flag at important occasions. This excitement stems from the show itself as well as its themes of unity, exploration, and the limitless possibilities of human (and extraterrestrial) creativity.
Teresa Medeiros expressed her happiness at being a part of such a vibrant community in her statement. She considers herself to be a Trekkie who proudly waves the "flag" of being a geek at heart. It's crucial to remember that the term "geek," in this sense, refers to someone who is extremely knowledgeable and interested in something, usually science fiction or technology.
Medeiros' identification with these communities serves as a reminder to all of us of the importance of discovering and embracing our passions, regardless of how specialized they may appear. Her excitement encourages others to proudly and openly embrace their interests and eccentricities.