Journalist and author Faith Salie is renowned for her inquisitive and careful approach to examining many facets of culture, including cuisine and beverages. She explored the topic of wine appreciation in one of her articles and asked whether or not consuming expensive wines identifies one as an elitist.
Salie tackles societal concerns about taste and cultural engagement through humor and introspection. She frequently hears people criticize people who value luxury goods like wine as being too exclusive or out of touch with reality. By questioning these assumptions about luxury goods, she hopes to close the gap between various viewpoints through her writing.
Picture someone standing on the rim of a huge ocean, gazing out to the horizon where the sea and sky converge. This person stands in for someone who appreciates good wine, and the ocean represents the wide range of cultural experiences that are accessible to all. Salie contends that in the same way that the ocean's vastness is accessible to everyone, indulging in some upscale pleasures shouldn't make one feel cut off from larger groups.
Salie's thoughts emphasize the notion that everyone should be allowed to investigate and enjoy anything that piques their interest without worrying about unfair labeling. The key is to share these experiences freely and invite others to join, rather than erecting barriers around them, whether that be through wine tasting or any other kind of cultural engagement.