British singer-songwriter Rex Orange County is well-known for his distinctive fusion of indie and alternative pop music. Through his songs and interviews, he frequently offers fans a close-up view of his personal life, revealing more than just his musical persona.
Rex talked about his tendency to be cautious in different areas of his life in one such instance. It's similar to having several layers of security on a tightly locked chest; it can take patience and effort to get past the first lock. Sharing his creative process or allowing others into his personal space is not something that comes naturally to Rex.
His stubbornness is the source of this guardedness. Imagine Rex as an ancient oak tree in a forest. The bark is thick and impervious to external influences, but the roots are strong and deep. Others may find it difficult to see through the surface and comprehend what's underneath as a result. Rex's natural defenses are just strong, not because he doesn't want to connect or share.
This stubbornness can show up in the workplace as a resistance to quickly embracing new ideas or a desire to do things a certain way. It's similar to having a well-traveled trail through the forest: while it may be effective for Rex, others may find it difficult to follow or even blocked.
Rex's candor regarding his propensity to distance himself from others is refreshing because it demonstrates that he acknowledges and isn't embarrassed by this characteristic. Additionally, it encourages collaborators and listeners to approach him with understanding and patience rather than annoyance. After all, it takes time to uncover the layers of an oak tree or a chest, but once you do, you may find something of value.