Quotes Meaning

"It’s incredibly disturbing when a country, particularly your own country, uses discrimination as a basis for an investigation."

- Hasan M. Elahi

After being falsely accused of terrorist activities by the US government after 9/11, artist and professor Hasan M. Elahi gained international attention for his project "Tracking Transience," in which he voluntarily shared every detail of his everyday life online. His art seeks to address privacy and surveillance concerns in the digital era.

Elahi frequently discusses the use of discrimination as an investigative tool, particularly in his home country of the United States. This concept reflects a larger worry about how prejudices and biases impact how people are treated by the government or the law. Discrimination serves as an unbalanced lens through which authorities view people, frequently resulting in inaccurate conclusions. It's similar to when someone uses a magnifying glass to see details that aren't actually there.

By drawing attention to these problems, Elahi hopes to increase understanding of the risks associated with making decisions or conducting investigations based on preconceived notions. His writings and remarks advocate for more impartial and equitable methods of addressing people's liberties and privacy, particularly during periods of increased security concerns.
