Quotes Meaning

"I started my blog back in 2009 because every Internet business and marketing seminar I watched at the time told me I had to. I had been trying to get a business started selling dating and life advice and was struggling."

- Mark Manson

Author and blogger Mark Manson, who is well-known for his distinct perspective on psychology and self-help, started his blog in 2009 in reaction to the intense pressure he was under from the internet marketing industry. Everyone seemed to be telling him at the time that if he wanted to be successful with his business idea of selling dating and life advice, he needed to start a blog.

Imagine being in a garden where all the gardeners tell you that the success of your garden depends on the kind of flower you plant. They all seem so knowledgeable and self-assured that you feel obliged to heed their advice. But Mark Manson believed that these gardeners were guiding him in the wrong direction without taking into account his particular situation or what he found most meaningful.

Mark started his blog because he wanted a way to share his ideas and advice, not because he wanted to become famous or start a revolution in self-help writing. Since his blog was founded on his sincere opinions and experiences, it developed into something more significant over time than just another voice in the crowded field of internet marketing.

Manson's journey serves as an example of how we are occasionally pressured by outside factors to pursue activities that may not be in line with our actual interests or objectives. It also emphasizes how important it is to follow your own path, even if it initially deviates from accepted wisdom. His story serves as a reminder that staying true to yourself and doing what feels right for you, rather than just doing what other people say, is often the key to success.
