Quotes Meaning

"At one time I smoked, but in 1959 I couldn’t think of anything else to give up for Lent so I stopped – and I haven’t had a cigarette since."

- Ethel Merman

The American actress Ethel Merman is most recognized for her leading parts in Broadway musicals and her strong voice. Her humorous approach to quitting smoking is frequently cited because it perfectly captures her straightforward, honest style.

Merman's quotation emphasizes how making a big life change can occasionally be an accident. She made the decision to give up cigarettes in 1959 as part of Lent, a religious observance that entails fasting or giving up something in order to reflect and grow spiritually. She had previously experimented with other options but had found them unappealing or unfeasible.

She didn't intend to stop smoking, but once she did, it came naturally to her. It was like discovering a secret key to open a locked door. The quote is about more than just her quitting smoking; it's about how sometimes taking a risk can result in significant and long-lasting changes.

Ethel Merman's observations are memorable and relatable because of her humor and grounded personality. Her remarks serve as a reminder that, even though we may start with specific objectives, tiny, possibly unforeseen decisions that eventually have a big impact are frequently the source of the greatest successes.
