Quotes Meaning

"Respect yourself if you would have others respect you."

- Baltasar Gracian

Spanish philosopher and Jesuit priest Baltasar Gracián, who lived in the 17th century, is renowned for his keen observations on social behavior and human nature. His emphasis on the value of self-respect in building mutual respect with others was one of his main points.

Consider constructing a house on sand as opposed to solid rock; the strength of your structure is determined by the foundation you lay. According to Gracián, having a strong sense of self-worth is similar to building that solid foundation. When others see that you value yourself, they are more inclined to do the same.

This concept extends beyond pride or self-assurance. It entails realizing and appreciating your own value as a person. People will naturally return the favor if you demonstrate your respect for yourself to them through your choices, actions, and demeanor.

According to Gracián, genuine self-respect is based on one's honesty in pursuing one's objectives and ideals. This means being clear about what you stand for and presenting yourself authentically every day, not isolating yourself or becoming conceited.

Gracián basically says that we should be kind and respectful to ourselves before we expect others to be the same. We foster mutual understanding and appreciation in our interactions by doing this.
