Quotes Meaning

"There’s a certain libertarian right-wing view that there should be no FDA, that people can decide for themselves whether medicines are safe and effective. That’s nonsense. Most people don’t have the expertise or the resources to mount a proper study to find out whether a treatment is safe or effective."

- Marcia Angell

Respected American author and doctor Marcia Angell is well-known for her critical opinions about health policy and pharmaceutical companies. During one of her comments, she brought up the notion that some conservative circles hold that the government shouldn't regulate pharmaceuticals through agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This point of view holds that people ought to be able to determine for themselves whether medications are safe and effective.

But according to Angell, this idea is faulty. She contends that the majority of people lack the resources and technical know-how required to independently conduct a thorough investigation into the safety and effectiveness of medications. Without scientific training or laboratory equipment, it would be like asking a hobbyist gardener to develop a new kind of pesticide—they just wouldn't have the resources to do it right.

Because its professionals are qualified to assess drugs using extensive testing, clinical trials, and other types of evidence, the FDA plays a critical role. Without this kind of supervision, users may take medications that haven't been shown to be safe or effective, which could pose major health risks.

Angell's viewpoint essentially emphasizes how crucial it is to have knowledgeable regulatory agencies in place to safeguard the public's health from detrimental behaviors and false information.
